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يکشنبه 2 مهر 1402 زمان : 20:40
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دانلود کتاب The glass hotel اثر Emily st.John Mandel

دانلود کتاب The glass hotel اثر Emily st.John Mandel
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دانلود کتاب The glass hotel اثر Emily st.John Mandel

دانلود کتاب The glass hotel اثر Emily st.John Mandel

The Glass Hotelby Emily St. John MandelFrom the award-winning author of Station Eleven, a captivating novel of money, beauty, white-collar crime, ghosts, and moral compromise in which a woman disappears from a container ship off the coast of Mauritania and a massive Ponzi scheme implodes in New York, dragging countless fortunes with it.Vincent is a bartender at the Hotel Caiette, a five-star glass and cedar palace on an island in British Columbia. Jonathan Alkaitis works in finance and owns the hotel. When he passes Vincent his card with a tip, its the beginning of their life together. That same day, Vincents half-brother, Paul, scrawls a note on the windowed wall of the hotel: Why dont you swallow broken glass. Leon Prevant, a shipping executive for a company called Neptune-Avramidis,...

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  • بازدید هفته : 3040
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